Friday, March 11, 2011

In which Jimmies are rustled.

History is the story of people being mad at each other. I suppose that means this blog is about the flowing tapestry of mad that has been angrily woven throughout human history. You'd be hard-pressed to find something important (or unimportant for that matter) that has happened in the last bushel of centuries we've had that wasn't initiated by someone saying to him or herself:

"Man, that dude over there sure rustles my jimmies!"

Actual photograph of jimmies being rustled

You might be saying to yourself, "Well that's just terrible, sir! Frankly, I am saddened by this sorry state of affairs. In fact, I shall write a letter to the management in which I shall state in very strong language the distaste I have for conflict and the generally uncouth practice of rustling!"

Well I'd tell you to settle down there, sirrah! In fact, it is my contention that if it weren't for folks getting mad at each other over little things like "who touched my cheese?" or "You just shelled my island!" or "Belgium", we'd have a lot less of an interesting time in history class.

Can you imagine having to sit through an hour and a half of "The French and the Germans sat next to each other and twiddled their thumbs for a hundred years the end"?



In a way you could refer to history as "Anger and Other Tales", but that doesn't sound nearly as academically legit as just plain "History". We history folk do love our academic legitimacy, because we are not sociologists. 


Ever hear the old saying "History is written by the victor?" That is not only very true, but it reveals the nature of history down to its creamy nougat core! In order for there to be a victor there has to have been a conflict. And you don't have to have guns or killing to have a conflict.


So this is a blog about history, and all of the crazy stuff that happened during it because someone got their panties in a burning trajectory over Moscow or something equally entertaining . Its not all about fighting but it sure isn't gonna be boring either! Let me know if there's a particular event in history you'd like to see me write about, and it shall be done!


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